Plans for New School Building

Plans for New School Building & Photos

A planning application has been submitted to Meath County Council for our new school building.

Our new school development will consist of:

Up to three storey building in parts
Specialised classrooms such as construction studies, engineering, technology, art, design and communications, home economics, textiles, art and music
Special classes
Multisensory room
PE Hall
Canteen and dining area
Construction of 6 external ball courts
Sensory garden
Plaza area
Car parking
Drop off areas
Bicycle lane

We have attached the plans for our new school building and facilities for your perusal.

— Site Layout

— Plans and Elevations

— Landscape Plan


Plans for Our Temporary School Main Street Enfield(Old ESB Buildings)

We expect to move into our additional classrooms in January 2021. Our additional classrooms will consist of 11 general classrooms and specialist subject rooms such as home economics, science, art and woodwork.

We have attached plans for your perusal

— Site Layout